The Quirino Administration

On April 15 1948, President Roxas did not feel that good, on that evening, because he had a fatal heart attack and died, Elpidio Quirino completed his term and then was elected as president. The people gained a lack of trust in the government due to the percieved widespread graft and corruption in the government so Quirino organized the President’s Action Committee on Social Amelioration or the (PACSA) to provide help for the poor and needy.The Minimum Wage Law was approved which set the daily minimum wage for workers, while the The Central Bank of the Philippines was established on June 15, 1949. The presence of the Huks continued to serve as a threat to the Quirino Administration, The Huk problem contributed to the people’s mistrust of the government. Quirino appointed Ramon Magsaysay as the secretary of National Defense, Ramon convinced the Huks to lay down their arms and surrender to the government. On August 30, 1951, the Philippines and the US signed another military agreement ,the Mutual Defense Pact so that The US and the Philippines had to defend each other in case of aggression.