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Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs are soooooooo cute! And they can be very good housepets! Oh, you want one already?

Hold on, you still need to learn about them before you can get one....

Guinea Pigs, or Cavia Porcellus are from the rodent family, but they are not related to pigs or came from New Guinea.Their ancestor A really long time ago, Guinea Pigs were a food source for the early Americans. In March of 1961, Sputnik 9 carried the first ever guinea pig to go on a successful trip around the orbit. There are many different kinds of Guinea Pigs, my favorite is the Peruvian or the Rex Guinea Pig. Their natural diet is grass but pellets are fine too, the problem is that they have a high tendency to become obese. Guinea pigs make different sounds, such as chirping, shrieking, purring and wheeking. They are very sociable pets so its best to have 2 or more. They can live up to 8 years, the oldest ever Guinea pig lived up to 14 years and 10 months. They are suitable for little kids and families.

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